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Take a Hike to Dahlonega Trail Fest 2019

There’s an old saying, “The precious possession of a man is diligence.” The organizers of Dahlonega Trail Fest 2019 exhibit copious quantities of diligence. If they didn’t, this fantastic festival would have lost its way. This used to be an Appalachian Trail (AT) kick-off convention …

Volunteer at the 2019 Dragon Boat Festival on Lake Lanier

Before you can say, “Wow! It’s August already?” it will be September. That means you’d better sign up soon to volunteer for the 2019 Dragon Boat Festival on Lake Lanier. There isn’t a single focal point for the Dragon Boat Festival that will be held …

Back-to-School Hours at Lake Lanier’s Margaritaville

Summer’s still here, in spite of back-to-school hours at Margaritaville at Lake Lanier.