The Elachee Nature Science Center in Chicopee Woods Nature Preserve is a treasure hidden from the eyes of too many who live near or visit Lake Lanier.
Elachee Nature Science Center in Chicopee Woods

The Elachee Nature Science Center in Chicopee Woods Nature Preserve is a treasure hidden from the eyes of too many who live near or visit Lake Lanier.
You’ve worked hard enough. Time for a little rest and recreation where the livin’ is easy this Labor Day at Margaritaville at Lanier Islands.
The most unique annual event on Lake Lanier is scheduled for Saturday, September 7th: the 2019 Atlanta Dragon Boat Festival.
Before you can say, “Wow! It’s August already?” it will be September. That means you’d better sign up soon to volunteer for the 2019 Dragon Boat Festival on Lake Lanier. There isn’t a single focal point for the Dragon Boat Festival that will be held …
The Friends of Don Carter State Park on Lake Lanier will hold the 5th Annual Chattahoochee Mountain Music Festival on November 2, 2019.
The Beach Bash moves to Lake Lanier Olympic Park from Gainesville’s Square on Saturday, July 13, 2019.
The 50th Cracker Fly-In at Gainesville’s is expected to have the largest collection of antique aircraft in the event’s history on Saturday, July 6, 2019.
What could possibly be more fun than the carnival rides at Laurel Park? Unless you count eating corn dogs and funnel cakes.
Experience the best of the coolest town in Georgia at the 2019 Bear on the Square Mountain Festival the weekend of April 26th.
Taunt your co-workers and neighbors until they accept the Dragon Boat Challenge! Or, just ask.