The most unique annual event on Lake Lanier is scheduled for Saturday, September 7th: the 2019 Atlanta Dragon Boat Festival.
Atlanta Dragon Boat Festival September 7, 2019

The most unique annual event on Lake Lanier is scheduled for Saturday, September 7th: the 2019 Atlanta Dragon Boat Festival.
There’s an old saying, “The precious possession of a man is diligence.” The organizers of Dahlonega Trail Fest 2019 exhibit copious quantities of diligence. If they didn’t, this fantastic festival would have lost its way. This used to be an Appalachian Trail (AT) kick-off convention …
The Friends of Don Carter State Park on Lake Lanier will hold the 5th Annual Chattahoochee Mountain Music Festival on November 2, 2019.
The Beach Bash moves to Lake Lanier Olympic Park from Gainesville’s Square on Saturday, July 13, 2019.
The 50th Cracker Fly-In at Gainesville’s is expected to have the largest collection of antique aircraft in the event’s history on Saturday, July 6, 2019.
The joyous Jingle Mingle on Gainesville’s Square takes place on Thursday evening, November 15, 2018 from 5 PM until 8 or so. If you don’t have a family of your own to bring, borrow one!