Jingle Mingle on Gainesville’s Square

The joyous Jingle Mingle on Gainesville’s Square takes place on Thursday evening, November 15, 2018 from 5 PM until 8 or so.  If you don’t have a family of your own to bring, borrow one!

Witness the Lighting of the Great Chicken on the Square in Gainesville at Jingle Mingle! ~~ Photo by Robert Sutherland

Shops will stay open later than usual to help you browse until you pick the perfect gifts for those you love the most.

Bring the kids for train rides just for them and for photos with Santa Claus.  Music will be provided by the Voices of North Georgia and the Believers Concert Band!

Sing along with family and strangers, and enjoy Gainesville’s Square all decorated for Christmas.

Just so you don’t really shop until you drop, take a pretty ride around the square in a beautiful carriage!  That will give you enough of a rest to go shopping again before the stores close.

What’s the best part of Jingle Mingle on Gainesville’s Square?  Pffft.  That’s easy to answer.

The Annual Lighting of the Great Chicken!

Yes, high atop the Main Street Market on the Square, Chicken City’s biggest ornament will be turned on (but not fried) at 7 o’clock with enough lights and glitz to make Poultryville — also known as Gainesville — proud!

What could possibly be more important to citizens of the Poultry Capitol of the World on Thursday, November 15th?  Okay, maybe space invaders … but that’s it!

Jingle Mingle is free, but you’re free to offer donations to Meals on Wheels.


About Author

Robert J. Sutherland is a travel writer enjoying life in Gainesville, GA.
Robert has two adult daughters, seven practically perfect grandchildren and a zippy Kawasaki. Contact Robert at [email protected].

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