Our pals with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mobile District, are warning boaters that high water impacts boating and recreational facilities at Lake Sidney Lanier.

Photo by Robert Sutherland
Water levels have approached near-record levels (1076 mean sea level) twice in the past 14 days, with continued rainfall in the regional forecast.
While non-damaging water releases from the Lanier Reservoir are ongoing, continued rainfall is preventing water levels from receding significantly.
USACE Press Release Dated March 8, 2019
USACE park rangers will close recreational facilities if they become a hazard to public safety.
USACE High Water Level Warnings:
- All visitors to Lake Lanier should be aware of their surroundings.
- High water levels at Lake Lanier can create unseen safety hazards.
- The public should also be aware continued rainfall across North Georgia can quickly impact water levels, creating safety concerns at the lake. Certain facilities may not be open.
- Closed recreation areas and facilities will remain closed until water levels recede, debris is removed, and the areas are inspected to ensure public safety.
- Should impacted areas suffer damage, they will remain closed until repairs have been completed and safety hazards eliminated.
Be aware that it is a federal violation (Title 36 CFR 327.12(a)) to enter or use recreation areas and facilities posted as “CLOSED” by USACE park rangers. Any person who violates the provisions of the regulations may be subject to federal fines, and may also be ejected from the Lake Sidney Lanier recreation area.
High Water Impacts on Boating:
- Navigation markers and hazard markers may have been displaced or submerged.
- High waters carry floating debris, often large, such as: limbs, logs, dock floatation blocks, dead wildlife, and other hazards.
- High waters may have submerged previously exposed areas, such as: points, trees, or small islands.
For regular updates follow the USACE at Lake Lanier on Facebook.