28th Lake Lanier Shore Sweep ~ 9-23-17

Shore Sweep 2014

The 28th Lake Lanier Shore Sweep will culminate on Saturday, September 23, 2017.  Much of the dirty work will already be done by volunteers before that day, unseen and unheralded.

We’ll need all the volunteers we can get to rid our favorite body of water of trash and flotsam.  Here’s the perfect time to wear your favorite old sweatshirt one more time, or those stained jeans that you don’t have the heart to throw away.

Our friends with the Lake Lanier Association (LLA), in their July newsletter, say:

It seems more trash, including dock floats, stray pieces of docks and assorted other items are floating around the lake.   [We have] been busy cleaning up this year up by removing some very large houseboats and other vessels.  [Now it’s] time to get busy with the other trash.

LLA provides blue trash bags at local marinas, so visitors to the lake can throw away their garbage after a day on the lake.

Executive Director Joanna Cloud and her team report, “The black encapsulated dock floats will be the biggest challenge this year. We need as many boats as possible to gather the floats in designated areas so they may be removed by our dock partners during Shore Sweep.”

If you have a boat, you can cruise the shores of Lanier and mark amateur garbage dumps on a phone app.  Others will return to the spots you identify and gather the trash.

What will you receive for your labors?  Our appreciation, a clean lake and more!

Pick up enough junk and you’ll earn a Shore Sweep T-shirt that will tell the world that you are worthy of extra love, admiration and (maybe) the last slice of pizza.

Learn more by becoming a member of the Lake Lanier Association.

28th Lake Lanier Shore Sweep Information

About Author

Robert J. Sutherland is a travel writer enjoying life in Gainesville, GA.
Robert has two adult daughters, seven practically perfect grandchildren and a zippy Kawasaki. Contact Robert at [email protected].

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