There are special deals at Lake Lanier Islands that can save you big bucks, whether you go to the lake’s biggest playground with your family and friends or if you go to meet new friends.
Special Deal at Lake Lanier Islands #1
As of July 28, 2014, Season Passes are on sale at half price! There’s still plenty of summer left to enjoy Lake Lanier Islands.
Season Passes provide:
- free parking
- unlimited slides
- unlimited rides
- unlimited beach access
- unlimited mini golf
- Full Moon Party Access at Sunset Cove and
- special event access at Sunset Cove.
With this deal, a Season Pass pays for itself in less than two visits! Have ALL the fun at HALF the price. Just use promo code FBSEASON when purchasing your season pass.
Click Here for This Special Deal at Lake Lanier Islands
Special Deal at Lake Lanier Islands #2
Grandparents get in FREE to LanierWorld all summer long!
Anyone you call Grampa, Pops, Mee Maw, Nana, Gramps, Granny, Omas, Grammies, Pop-Pop or Grandmother, gets a FREE daily admission with a paying guest.
Everybody wins with this special deal.
The family that plays together stays together!
Special Deal at Lake Lanier Islands #3
Give Back Thursdays provide the chance to help yourself by helping others.
Lake Lanier Islands is teaming up with local charities to raise awareness and donations.
Guests who bring a bag or box of gently used clothes for Goodwill of North Georgia will receive one half-off admission to LanierWorld per person.
Choose Another Special Deal at Lake Lanier Islands
Scout Days
On the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month Scout groups qualify for buy-one-get-one-free daily admission tickets.
Educator Appreciation Days
Every Tuesday, present your teacher ID and get half-off for up to 6 members in your party.
Anybody can have fun at Lake Lanier Islands with these special deals!
Click Here for Your Special Deal at Lake Lanier Islands