First things first. The Lake Lanier Olympic Venue (LLOV) at Clarks Bridge Park will host a Wake Surfing competition, sponsored by the INT League of Georgia, on Saturday, July 11, 2015.
If you’re like me, that’s about as clear as the bottom of Lake Lanier — which isn’t clear at all. Great writers always define their terms for their readers. So, I thought I would try that too.
Here is how Wikipedia — “They Couldn’t Put it On the Internet if it Wasn’t True” — defines wake surfing:
Wakesurfing (similar to, but not the same sport as, wakeboarding) is a water sport in which a surfer trails behind a wakeboard boat, surfing the boat’s wake without being directly pulled by the boat. The wake from the boat mimics the look and feel of an actual ocean wave. After getting up on the wave by use of a tow rope, wakesurfers drop the rope, and ride the steep face below the wave’s peak in a fashion reminiscent of ocean surfing. Wakesurfers generally use special boards, usually five feet or shorter. An ocean wave that provides a ride of 5 seconds to 30 seconds, because the wave ends. Wakesurfers can ride boat wakes for much longer times, because the wave is virtually perpetual.
Well, Wikipedia almost always get their facts straight. Sorry, but waves cannot be perpetual. Boats run out of gas and oceans run into shores.
Please Note: Wake Surfing is different from wake boarding, although both use wake board boats. Wake surfers only hold a rope until they begin to surf behind boats, while wake boarders never let go of the mother rope. Probably.
No matter what wake surfing is or isn’t, you can watch it in action on Saturday, July 11th on Lanier.
As you might already know, the INT League is also known as the “Little League of Watersports.” No, that doesn’t make any sense to me either, but they never asked my opinion. They can call themselves “The French Onion Soup of Watersports” and I would still write about them.
Here’s how The INT League defines itself: “an exciting league for wakeboarding, waterskiing, kneeboarding and wakeskating. We are turning these recreational activities into a SPORT! The INT League was started in Washington state with four events and has expanded into 27 states hosting over 250 events days per year. The first US Championships was hosted in Austin, Texas in 1998 with 330 competitors in 27 divisions. These competitors had one thing in mind – to be crowned the INT League champion. Our future plans include expanding events to all 50 states and international countries while continuing to host the INT Championships.
This will be the first ever “Behind the Boat” competition held at the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue. Rowing, kayaking and canoeing is still their first love, although weddings, concerts and other events may rent the facilities.
In the words of Morgan House, manager of the LLOV, “I think that it is crucial to the sustainability of the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue that events outside of our normal schedule be held so that we can not only bring in other sources of revenue but so that we can reach a broader audience within our community and get more people to the park. I had the pleasure of meeting with Jenny Serwitz from the INT League of Georgia regarding this event and I am more than confident that they will put on an exceptional event, will be extremely considerate of the clubs operating out of the venue, and will take every measure possible to insure that our neighbors on the lake will not be negatively effected…”
The INT League’s Jenny Serwitz says, “We are thankful to Lake Lanier Olympic Venue, Gainesville Hall 96, Gainesville City, and Hall County for the use of this facility. This special site has a legacy of competition and we hold great respect for the Rowing and Canoe/Kayak clubs that call this their home!”
Come watch the action on Lake Lanier, Saturday, July 11th. Who knows? Maybe you’ll see a perpetual wave.
The INT League Mission Statement
To promote, organize and execute a consistent grass roots program hosting water sports events on a national spectrum. Individuals can enjoy the fun and challenges of competition in a non-intimidating environment like the “Little League” which has been loved by many for years.
These events are designed to encourage men, women and children of all ages to challenge their abilities at non-intimidating, fun events. We are committed to attracting water sports enthusiasts and to giving families and friends the opportunity to spend quality time together at a professionally run event.