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Law Enforcement Focus: Boating Under the Influence

Operation Dry Water (ODW) is a nationwide campaign to educate the public and enforce laws on Boating Under the Influence (BUI). Law enforcement officers from county, state and federal agencies will be patrolling Georgia’s lakes educating boaters about the risks of operating a boat under the influence of …

Port Royale Marina on Lake Lanier

Port Royale Marina & Lakeside Community has been around ever since Lake Lanier was created. According to their literature, Port Royale is the largest floating boating center in the country. Formerly known as “Lan Mar Marina,” Port Royale has everything you’ll need to enjoy Lake Lanier … …

Deadly Tragedy on Lake Lanier

We regret to inform you that a pleasant family outing on Lake Lanier turned into a deadly tragedy about 11 PM Monday night, June 18, 2012. A pontoon boat carrying more than a dozen individuals from four families in Gwinnett County was traveling on Lake …

Gainesville Times’ Weather App

Reading newspapers is as foreign to yoots [Please Note: This term entered the American lexicon via the ancient movie, My Cousin Vinny, and is roughly translated “youths.”  Thank you.] as wearing wristwatches or making their beds without threats of violence. We, however, are not among those …

Tired of Boating & Skiing on Lanier? Count bats!

If you’re like most families that live on Lake Lanier, you know how boring it can be. Speedboats, fishing boats, PWC, pontoon boats, houseboats, swimming, fishing, getting a tan, cool breezes on warm days, gorgeous sunsets, and sitting on the dock with friends day after day is fine, …

Where to Retire: Gainesville, GA

Where to Retire magazine has chosen … wisely. The Houston, Texas, based magazine in their July/August edition selected Gainesville, GA, as one of America’s best retirement spots for lakeside living. Well done, Where to Retire magazine.  Well done! In their feature article titled, “Laid-Back Lakeside Living” …

Road Atlanta Hosts Relay for Life

The American Cancer Society came up with the idea of Relay for Life to inform the public about cancer and to raise funds to fight the disease. Relay for Life is a life-changing event that helps communities in three special ways: •  Celebrate the lives of …

ACRA Regatta at Lake Lanier’s Rowing Venue

The American Collegiate Rowing Association (ACRA) National Championship Regatta was hosted by our friends at the Lake Lanier Rowing Club over the Memorial Day Holiday weekend. ACRA expected 1,300 competitors, 500-700 coaches and hundreds of spectators.  Teams from 62 schools in 29 states — as …

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle Addressed Lake Lanier Assoc.

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle was the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the Lake Lanier Association on Thursday, May 24th at Gainesville State College’s Oakwood Campus in the Continuing Education and Performing Arts Center.  Tim Rainey of the Army Corps of Engineers also addressed those in attendance, …