How’d you like to be an OFFICIAL (sort-of) Severe Weather Storm Spotter!! Oh, yeah. Does that sound cool or what?
Forget relying on Jim Cantore or hoping to meet Jen Carfagno someday (even if your son-in-law WORKS at The Weather Channel).
The National Weather Service (NWS) relies on … in their own words:
trained weather spotters to help keep them abreast of developing trends and situations. Weather radar is an excellent tool, but it only tells part of the storm’s story. Combining radar data with observations from trained observers gives the best possible picture of severe storms.
Registration is open now for a FREE program designed to help residents identify severe weather, presented by the NWS, in partnership with the Gwinnett County Office of Emergency Management (GCOEM).
GCOEM Director Greg Swanson says, “The class will help residents be the eyes and ears of the NWS for severe weather in the area.” Even if you don’t want to become an active storm spotter, you will learn about how storms work and the visual clues to identify severe storms in the Lake Lanier area.
The event is scheduled for February 25, 2016 at 7 PM at the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center auditorium at 75 Langley Drive in Lawrenceville.
Pre-registration is requested. Call 770-513-5600 or e-mail [email protected], to register.