Florida’s Governor Rick Scott hopes his whining will produce water. That’s the only reasonable explanation why he has filed another lawsuit in the Water Wars with Georgia.
Floridians are demanding water from Lake Lanier to feed their slimy friends (the oysters) in Apalachicola Bay. Citizens of the Great State of Georgia, however, agree with the United States Supreme Court that Florida is getting its fair share.
Contrary to public opinion, there is more to Florida than old people and Mickey Mouse. Florida also has a big swamp, nice beaches and fabulous fishing. We like Florida, in spite of its average humidity of 379%.
Florida — a state brimming with bivalve-mollusk lovers — says it needs more than its share of water so they can harvest oysters. People in more advanced cultures, such as Georgia, know oysters are gross, even if they appeal to old people, deluded politicians, and Goofy and the gang.
We continue to try to be good neighbors, nevertheless; but, when you take us to court, we must defend ourselves.
One stalwart branch of Georgia’s forces in the Water Wars is the Lake Lanier Association.
The Lake Lanier Association’s President Val Perry and Executive Director Joanna Cloud have sent a gentle reminder to Governor Scott and his pirates that Florida’s continued aggression is unwelcome.
Here, in their words, is the missive fired toward Florida on August 21, 2013:
Joanna Cloud, Executive Director of the Lake Lanier Association said today that Governor Scott’s intention to file a lawsuit in the U. S. Supreme Court is a major disappointment to the Lake Lanier Association, Inc. The LLA has been a significant voice in the water wars between the states of Georgia, Florida and Alabama for the past 20 years. The LLA has published a report regarding their position on this issue dated August 21, 2013.
The LLA has empathy for the Florida oyster industry, having experienced the direct impact of a major drought on a North Georgia economy. Lake Lanier area losses exceed $100 million annually when Lake Lanier is drawn down to 1060 feet or below for prolonged periods of time. The LLA is convinced that Governor Scott has misdirected his resources by blaming the oyster problems on Georgia and Lake Lanier. There are several study efforts reviewing the oyster industry problems. Some have indicated that allowing too much salt water into the Bay from Sikes Cut, overharvesting the oysters, and poor seeding of the oyster beds are some of the causes.
The Governor’s statement focuses on water consumption by metro Atlanta citizens and businesses as being the primary cause of the oyster industry collapse. But there are numerous issues beyond just fresh water flows into the Bay that determine the health and productivity of the oysters, and the ultimate oyster harvest economy. Atlanta’s water consumption, even in a drought, is only 2% – 3% of the flow of water into the Apalachicola River. Metro Atlanta has only 6% of the watershed from which to draw water for 5 million people. Fourteen percent of the ACF Basin is below Woodruff Dam on the GA – FL border with even higher average rainfall than occurs in the metro area.
The LLA’s recommendation would be for Florida to invest in the several groups that are looking into this issue. One group, the ACF Stakeholders, has worked for the past four years analyzing and modeling the flows on the system. Included in that work is significant modeling of the Apalachicola Bay with focus on the factors affecting oyster productivity. Initial results of their work are expected by the end of 2013. The LLA encourages a collaborative working relationship between the state governors to establish a fair and equitable water sharing agreement without the delay and expense that would be incurred from legal proceedings.
Click Here for LLA’s Complete Response to Water War Issues