The Resurgence of the Mundy Mill Community

Remember when we believed investing in real estate was a sure thing because “they’re not making any more land”?  For those of us who have seen our property values drop like a rock, that nugget of wisdom ranks right up there with believing in the tooth fairy.

Some of us made it through the downturn.  Some didn’t.  Some who didn’t make it are giving it another shot.

Such is South Hall’s Mundy Mill community, once crushed under its financial burdens.  Butler Property, the latest owner of Mundy Mill, will celebrate its grand re-opening on Tuesday, April 17th.

Although a plan was approved in 2004 to construct almost 1,150 single-family homes, more than 500 townhomes and almost 500 apartments — along with a new elementary school and humongous areas for offices and commercial businesses — fewer than 70 homes were actually built.

But that was then.  This is now.  Butler Property is breathing new life into the project, which is located close to I-985, Gainesville State College and Lake Lanier.

We wish Mundy Mill — and those who will build homes, families and futures there — much good fortune.

Click Here for the Website of Mundy Mill


About Author

Robert J. Sutherland is a travel writer enjoying life in Gainesville, GA.
Robert has two adult daughters, seven practically perfect grandchildren and a zippy Kawasaki. Contact Robert at [email protected].

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