Dahlonega, GA — one of the world’s coolest unknown places — rocked in a different way on Saturday, March 17th as the town welcomed Trail Fest 2012.
Vendors, thru-hikers and dreamers collected for the afternoon to enjoy the beautiful day and one another.
Representatives from the Len Foote Hike Inn, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, the Appalachian Trail Long Distance Hikers Association, the Georgia Appalachian Trail Club and the US Forest Service apent time answering questions and inspiring hikers to “hit the trail.”
Festivities continue through Sunday afternoon, March 18th with music, information, food, goofy hats and vendors who will help you walk in comfort.
If you missed this AT celebration, we hope to see you in Franklin, NC, the weekend of March 30th.
Our thanks to the Crimson Moon in Dahlonega — Where the Creative Spirit Shines — for the free wi-fi and great people watching.
Click Here for DahlonegaTrailFest.org