Corps Asks: OK to Host Rowing Regatta on Lake Lanier?

Corps Seeks Your Comments on Proposed Regatta on Lake Lanier in 2016
Corps Seeks Your Comments on Proposed Regatta on Lake Lanier in 2016

So, what are your plans for the Memorial Day Weekend in 2016?

That’s a dumb question, unless you are planning next year’s National Championship Rowing Regatta (NCRR).

This is tricky but I’ll try to make it understandable.

The National Championship Rowing Regatta is organized and run by the American Collegiate Rowing Association (ACRA).

Those groups want to hold the NCRR next Memorial Day at the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue (LLOV).

The LLOV is all giddy about hosting “approximately 1500 rowers from across the country, along with their families, friends, and coaches.”

But …

Everybody must first get permission from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to close the public boat ramps at Clarks Bridge Park (home of the LLOV).  Permission must also be granted by the USACE to limit boat traffic along the course of the rowing regatta on the Chattahoochee River.

So …

The USACE, on behalf of the LLOV, the ACRA, the NCRR (and probably the EIEIO), wants your opinion before they make their final decision.

Excerpts from USACE Rowing Regatta Press Release

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) … is considering a request from … ACRA for special consideration to hold the National Championship Regatta on Memorial Day weekend at the [LLOV].

USACE may give special consideration to this event based on the design and purpose of the area where the event is proposed to occur. The area is three quarters mile in length and would impact the navigational channel. Local boating traffic would be accommodated.

The event would take place May 28 – 29, 2016, with each day beginning at 6 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m. The event would involve approximately 1500 rowers from across the country, along with their families, friends, and coaches.

USACE is seeking public input regarding the permitting of this event during the period of Memorial Day Weekend.

If you have any comments regarding this proposal, please forward those comments to: [email protected]

Are you in favor of the USACE granting permission for the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue to hold the National Championship Rowing Regatta on Memorial Day Weekend in 2016?

Great!  Pop an e-mail to: [email protected].  Tell them you think it’s a swell idea.

This is America!  If you oppose bringing thousands of athletes (with their pockets full of money to spend in Gainesville) for this prestigious regatta on the waters of Lake Lanier, that’s OK.  Simply dial 202-456-1111 and say something like, “Heck, no! They can’t row!”  If you’re really upset, be sure to ask for “Barak.”

Click Here for the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue

Click Here for the National Championship Rowing Regatta


About Author

Robert J. Sutherland is a travel writer enjoying life in Gainesville, GA.
Robert has two adult daughters, seven practically perfect grandchildren and a zippy Kawasaki. Contact Robert at [email protected].

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