New Year’s Day 2014 was the 17th anniversary of the first Polar Bear Swim on Lake Lanier. That’s hard to believe … and I lived in California, a state with a high concentration of crazoids.
We don’t expect this kind of thing in Georgia. Perfect families sitting around perfect fireplaces with perfect dogs, cats, kids and plenty of food on a candlelit table? Sure.
Guys in slime green latex leotards jumping into Lake Lanier? Ummm, no.
Just proves that America is one big happy family and you can be just as “adventurous” at the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue as you can on the shores of the Pacific.
We captured this spectacular moment for you. Just in case you get the urge to join the crowd next year. It’s all for a good cause. A portion of the proceeds will help purchase new boats for the Lanier Canoe & Kayak Club.
That’s a pretty cool way to raise money.
If you were there, you might find yourself in one or two of these pictures. Protective fathers might also find shots of the guys who are dating their daughters.
See anyone you know awaiting their big chance to rinse 2013 off their bones?
Looking for that “special person” to hold your hand while you dive into freezing water?
This poor family made the world’s worst attempt at folding themselves into the shape of 2014, but they made a big splash anyway.
As one person said, “Ya gotta love the hair.”
A good time was had by all. Even folks who were splashed by reckless cannonballers!
How cold was it?
Click Here for Lanier Canoe & Kayak’s Polar Bear Swim
Regarding “Guys in slime green latex leotards jumping into Lake Lanier? ” The suit is neither a
leotard or made of latex. They are made
of nylon/spandex and are have numerous names, leotard is not one of them. They were originally a fetish attire known as
Zentai. They became popular with sports
fans a few years and are now more commonly known as Morph Suits, Superfan Suits,
or Second Skins to name a few.
Thank you for your wonderful photographs of a great event. As one of the past presidents and current volunteers at Lanier Canoe & Kayak Club, I appreciate your support of this crazy event which has become a tradition for many local residents. I did it once (the year I was incoming president!).
Thanks Mike. Hopefully the photos reflect the spirit of the event – it’s a lot of fun!
You are most welcome. A good time was had by all, especially me because I stayed dry.
Kudos to all who took the plunge.