What a perfect weekend for racing at Road Atlanta, just east of Lake Lanier on Route 53, near the intersection with Route 211, not far from my house!
Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) racing is back in town and they brought sunny skies and highs in the 70s with them. This is family fun and great racing — close to home, affordable and less dangerous than driving in Atlanta after dark.
Trained journalists have a code that they live by. (No, it’s not 24601, but that’s a good guess.)

Trained journalists never pick favorites in races and they never use the word “never.”
I am not a trained journalist; therefore, I am going to tell you that my favorite team is Ironside Racing.
Their car is black and it goes 140 mph. That’s all I cared to know about it because I was too interested in speaking with Rick “Ironside” Botts, who has been racing all kinds of vehicles for a very long time.
As you can tell from the picture, Ironside — in the wheelchair — has an obvious handicap, but it doesn’t slow him down.
Yes, Ironside looks a lot like me. Poor guy.

Ironside Racing has two crew members: David Pollard, pictured, and Lindsey Green, not pictured. Dr. James Green owns and races the car prepared by Ironside.
Rick — ooops, I mean, Ironside — was a delight to meet and get to know.
He lost his left leg in a shop accident a while back. You and I complain more about losing our remotes than Ironside does about losing his leg. The nickname comes from the iron sides of his wheelchair.
That accident would have crippled some people. Others, like Ironside, become an inspiration for folks like me.

Ironside could be sitting on a sofa drinking root beer and watching I Love Lucy reruns all day. But he’s out racing. Trying to be the best.
I hope his team wins.
You’re invited to see if it really happens … this weekend at Road Atlanta.
The price for adults is $25 for Saturday or Sunday, $30 for both. Kids under 12 get in free.

I like watching at the end of the back straightaway, where the cars have to slow down for two tight curves.
Maybe we could have our own cheering section for Ironside?

What a great time we’d have. And for a great guy too.
If we don’t cheer him on, some guy in a red car who can’t spell “Psykyatree” might win instead.
You gonna let that happen?
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