Deadly Tragedy Averted on Lake Lanier

Lake Lanier’s Sunset Cove is the place to go for a good time.  Party central for boaters.

Wednesday morning, July 4th, wasn’t much of a party for ten occupants of a houseboat that docked overnight at Lake Lanier Islands to avoid a storm.  They used an onboard generator to have air conditioning overnight.

Carbon monoxide (CO) from the generator is believed to have caused nausea, vomiting and headaches among those on the boat.  Hall County firefighters detected high levels of CO when they arrived at the scene.

Three adults and five children were taken to the hospital by ambulance, before being released.  Thankfully, no one lost their life from asphyxiation — as could have easily occurred.

Please, if you use on onboard generator, be certain you have sufficient ventilation.

It’s a matter of life and death.


About Author

Robert J. Sutherland is a travel writer enjoying life in Gainesville, GA.
Robert has two adult daughters, seven practically perfect grandchildren and a zippy Kawasaki. Contact Robert at [email protected].

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