While hundreds of motorists parked on packed roadsides, the Gainesville Square was the perfect place to view the great solar eclipse … and to have a dandy meal at a sidewalk table at Avocados.
Where Did You View the Great Solar Eclipse?

While hundreds of motorists parked on packed roadsides, the Gainesville Square was the perfect place to view the great solar eclipse … and to have a dandy meal at a sidewalk table at Avocados.
Gridlock traffic on Eclipse Day? Who knew? WSB Radio declared a “gridlock alert” for I-985 North from The Mall That Ate Georgia probably all the way to the North Pole.
John Wayne said, “Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re stupid.” Don’t be stupid. Plan ahead to view the solar eclipse on August 21st.
An unknown number of defective solar eclipse glasses have been recalled by Amazon. Here’s how to double-check your solar eclipse glasses.
Watching the total solar eclipse of the sun on August 21st is going to be an event you’ll never forget, especially if you spring for the Sip & Eclipse Package at Chateau Elan Resort.
Officials are concerned about parking along Forest Service Roads in the mountains when Eclipse Watchers head to the hills on Monday, August 21st.
Where would you prefer to watch the solar eclipse? Stuck with bazillion cars clogging two-lane roads in North Georgia looking for a spot to view it? Or on the Square in Gainesville — with Moon Pies?
Those “perfect spots” you’ve waited to call for solar eclipse reservations on Monday, August 21st are probably sold out. But, where there’s a will, there’s a way to watch the sun go dark.
Set for a spell and enjoy this humorous Dire Solar Eclipse Warning from the Oconee County Sheriff’s Department. Georgia has the best sheriffs in the nation!
Where will you be when the sun goes out on Monday, August 21, 2017, during the Great American Solar Eclipse?