Our pal, Joanna Cloud, executive director of the Lake Lanier Association (LLA), takes her job seriously. Keeping Lake Lanier full, safe and clean is more than a job to her. She’s easy to get along with and she doesn’t ask for much. So, when she asked us to do a story on a TV interview that featured LLA Executive Vice President Wilton Rooks, we were happy to help.
Atlanta television station CBS46 produces, Public Affairs on Peach, part of their public affairs programming. They met with Wilton Rooks to discuss how the drought is affecting Lake Lanier. This eight-minute clip expresses the concerns of those who protect the lake on behalf of those who enjoy it all year long.
As Joanna says, “Given the current drought forecast, coupled with the legal proceedings taking place right now related to Lake Lanier,” our community would benefit from watching the video. “It’s worth every moment of watching in terms of good information related to our current complicated situation, and some proposed solutions, related to Lake Lanier.”
We hope you’ll take a minute to watch the clip. We’re thankful for LLA and their efforts to promote best water management practices in the ACF Basin.