The Lake Lanier Association (LLA) is a humble sponsor of ShoreSweep, the annual event that organizes volunteers to remove trash from Lake Lanier for proper disposal.
This year, in preparation for the 2015 Shore Sweep event, LLA is making the job of finding and discarding trash from Lake Lanier easier than ever.
A free smartphone app named TrashOut that’s available in Android and iOS versions, will pinpoint where garbage has been carelessly thrown.
LLA is asking members to download TrashOut on their mobile devices. Once you do a one-time, simple account set up and log in, just pick the Lake Lanier Association as your affiliated group.
Then, when you are out enjoying the lake and you see trash on the lakeshore or on islands, you get out your phone and launch the TrashOut app.
You take a picture of the garbage, select the type of trash you’ve identified (plastic for floats, household trash) and the app will mark the coordinates and upload the picture.
How cool is that?
From there the Lake Lanier Association will be notified of where the trash is located.
As soon as they have enough volunteers and other resources, LLA will do its best at its 2015 Shore Sweep event to try and remove the trash from Lake Lanier that you located.
Help Remove Trash from Lake Lanier with TrashOut