Have you heard the news about the City of Gainesville’s plans to “annex” 115 “islands” and declare them city properties?
I have. I figured the city was going to find a way to turn little islands on Lake Lanier into taxable city properties.
Not even close.
The islands in the news are little pockets of private or commercial property miles from water. Many of them are half-acre plots along highways either in Gainesville or close by.
The best way to learn more is to attend a meeting or two being held this week by Gainesville’s Planning and Appeals Board (GPAB) — formerly known as the Gainesville Planning Commission and the Gainesville Zoning Board of Adjustment — which typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM.
The GPAB makes recommendations to the City Council on zonings, rezonings, annexations, special uses, code amendments; road-related items such as namings/renamings/ abandonments; zoning amendments; and site plan approvals. The GPAB has final action on all requests for zoning variances and appeals of administrative decision.
Two special hearings are planned this week at the city’s Justice Center & Public Safety Complex on Queen City Parkway regarding plans to annex those land-locked islands.
- The Planning and Appeals Board meets at 9 AM on Tuesday for a public meeting regarding zoning and annexation of the islands.
- The City Council meets at 5:30 PM for a hearing open to the public where the first reading of the annexations will be considered.
I wonder if the Bridge to Nowhere could be used to connect the annexed islands?