Our pal Teri Pope, the media representative for Georgia’s Department of Transportation, brings us news of the new bridge that will bridge the untroubled waters of the Chattahoochee River at Clarks Bridge Park on Clarks Bridge Road near the Olympic Rowing Venue on Lake Lanier.
Road crews were out on Clarks Bridge Road (State Route 284) on Tuesday, January 14, 2014, trimming and removing trees along the highway and relocating utilities.
Construction workers are creating a temporary span in order to move equipment, materials and staff to the barge and working platforms in Lake Lanier.
Teri’s press release said,
A crew of specialists that will drill the caissons to support the new bride are expected on site next week.
In view of typos in my own writing this week, I think Teri probably meant to say workers will be drilling to support the new bridge, not the new bride.

Working in the lake preparing to drill for the new concrete support structures or caissons is very specialized and depends on suitable weather.
The existing bridge was built in 1958 and does not meet current design standards.
The new span will have 12-foot-wide lanes and an 8-foot-wide shoulder in each direction, suitable for bicycles. The project also builds a new pedestrian tunnel under SR 284.
This $8.7 million project for the new bridge on SR 284 over the Chattahoochee River portion of Lake Lanier at the Lake Lanier Olympic Center should be completed by December 31, 2015.