Melissa Cummings, communications/outreach specialist with the Georgia DNR, Wildlife Resources Division, has confirmed that Jeffery Hubbard was indicted on February 28, 2013, by a Hall County Grand Jury for the death in July 2012 of Kile Glover on Lake Lanier.
Kile Glover, 11, was killed in a jet ski accident that also caused lesser injuries to another child.
Charges against Hubbard include:
- Homicide by vessel
- Serious Injury by Vessel
- Reckless Operation of a Vessel
- Unlawful Operation of a PWC and
- Boat Traffic Violation.
Homicide by vessel is a felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Serious injury by vessel is also a felony, by punishable up to five years in prison.
Hubbard was arrested March 1, 2013, by State Conservation Rangers (with Georgia DNR) and, at last report, was in the Hall County Detention Center.
We have no further word about bail, additional charges or potential court dates.
We will keep you posted as confirmed details become available.
Click Here for Previous Stories on Kile Glover’s Death