The LanierWorld Family Fun Park at Lake Lanier Islands is not as big as Disney World or as exotic as the Hawaiian island of Kauai, but it’ll do on a hot summer day when the kids (or you) deserve a break.
Wild Waves combines the serenity of tubing with the adventure of safely bouncing around on the high seas.
Enjoy a family friendly movie on a 200′ screen while you soak your troubles away at Dive-In Movie Night at Wild Waves! Don’t have any kids to share this paradise with? Ask your friends and family if they’ll share theirs. They’ll not only agree, they’ll probably give you gas money.
Too tame? Give Raging River’s rapids a shot. Safer and closer than the Grand Canyon, but just as much fun.
There’s food and drink, stellar people-watching, boat docks, Sunset Cove, and a glorious beach waiting for you, your family and your friends at Lake Lanier Islands.