Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday (3-8-15)

Spring ahead to Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Because we said so, that's why.
Spring ahead to Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Because we said so, that’s why.

No one knows why Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, March 8th at 2 AM.

It just does.

There’s no use wondering why.  It’s like asking yourself “why is there a bridge in downtown Gainesville that doesn’t go anywhere?” Or, “I wonder what will happen if I honk my horn at the motorcycle gang in front of my car?”

Sure, some wise guy will tell you that changing your clocks on Saturday night and springing them forward an hour will add an extra hour of daylight and all things will be made wonderful again.

Try this experiment.  Take your next paycheck and cut it in half.  Then, tape what was the front half to the end.  Go to a bank.  Try to convince them that your pay is 50% greater than it was before you snipped the sucker.

Oh.  Don’t be surprised if the teller is laughing too hard to give you a sucker.

One thing is for sure.  Who ever came up with this goofy idea of changing all of our clocks — except for the few states that said “Do what? Hahahaha! Drop dead! — didn’t have kids.

Yup, we get an extra hour of daylight in the evening … which means you won’t have to turn on the lights to argue with your kids about how the time changed and 8 o’clock is now 9 o’clock (or vice-versa) and how they have to go to bed because, otherwise, they’ll be grumpy in the morning.

Good luck with that.

Seriously, watch out for sleepy drivers on Monday morning who lost an hour’s sleep and had to fuss with their kids before leaving for work.

Don’t worry.  It might take a while but you’ll get used to it.  Right around the time when we fall back and do it all over again.


About Author

Robert J. Sutherland is a travel writer enjoying life in Gainesville, GA.
Robert has two adult daughters, seven practically perfect grandchildren and a zippy Kawasaki. Contact Robert at [email protected].

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